@extends('layouts.data-entry') @section('title','GIMS') @section('styles') @endsection @section('script') @endsection @section('content')
Equipment Allocation Form
{{ Form::open(['url'=>route('allocation.store'), 'id'=>'equipment-form', 'onsubmit'=>'return validateForm()','files'=>'true'] )}}
{{ Form::label('allocation','Allocation Type: ',['class'=>'col-sm-2']) }}
{{ Form::select('allocation_type', ['agency'=>'Agency','agency'=>'Agency','custodian'=>'Custodian'], 'Agency',['class'=>'form-control form-control-sm','id'=>'allocation_id','required'=>true ] ) }}


Select "Yes" if an employee is on Deputation/ Secondment/Temporary Transfer to your agency

(Note:Manual Entry is only for the employee whose salary is not disbured from ePEMs)

Select Current Agency

Acepted file format are PDF,JPG,JEPG,PNG and Maximum file size should be 5mb.)

Sl.No Identification Code Equipment Category Sub Category Equipment Name Serial no Model no Specification Cost Action

{{ Form::close() }}