Equipment Allocation Form
{{ Form::open(['url'=>route(''), 'id'=>'equipment-form', 'onsubmit'=>'return validateForm()','files'=>'true'] )}}
{{ Form::label('allocation','Allocation Type: ',['class'=>'col-sm-2']) }}
{{ Form::select('allocation_type', ['agency'=>'Agency','agency'=>'Agency','custodian'=>'Custodian'], 'Agency',['class'=>'form-control form-control-sm','id'=>'allocation_id','required'=>true ] ) }}
Select "Yes" if an employee is on Deputation/ Secondment/Temporary Transfer to your agency
(Note:Manual Entry is only for the employee whose salary is not disbured from ePEMs)
Select Current Agency
Acepted file format are PDF,JPG,JEPG,PNG and Maximum file size should be 5mb.)
Sl.No | Identification Code | Equipment Category | Sub Category | Equipment Name | Serial no | Model no | Specification | Cost | Action |